This application is for graduates of a CIPS accredited program only (see, who are seeking Candidate membership status in CIPS.  Candidate Membership recognizes that you have completed the educational requirements towards obtaining the I.S.P. designation. Current CIPS student members who are graduating should not complete this form.


Only graduates of accredited programs in CanadaUAE, and Qatar can use this form. Applicants from other locations should send an email to to clarify their eligibility.


Graduates of a non-accredited CIPS program seeking Candidate membership in CIPS please use the application form found at:

Membership Level
CIPS Accredited Program Graduate
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In order for us to provide you with the best possible service it is important that we have the following information.
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Contact Information
Stay connected! For you to get the most out of your membership it is important that we are able to contact you. Please enter the information below.
Time out warning
The quantity you have selected for your registration will be released back into inventory if you do not restart the timer. Click 'Renew' to reset the timer and give you more time to complete your registration.
Timer Expired
The timer reserving your items has expired, the items have been returned to inventory. You can try to purchase your items again.
Inventory Sold Out
Sorry during the processing of your request the inventory sold out.
Status Entry
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